Five girls. Five Internships. One Big City. They are The Intern. This is their story.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mac&Cheese PLEASE

The man with the recipe
Its not so easy to mix when you have so much

B Here. Suprise suprise. Its me again. All that is left to be told today is the story of the mac and cheese. Ever seen a popcorn bowl the size of a small whale? Ever seen a popcorn bowl the size of a small whale filled with noodles? Ever swam in a whale-sized popcorn bowl full of noodles? Me either. Would be fun though. But yes we did make more mac and cheese than has probably ever been made in the Barlow center, well make that more than has ever been made at once in the whole world. In fact it might be guiness book record worthy. College kids, homeless.. need a cheap meal. We can help ya out, 20 dollars is all it takes to feed you for an entire semester. So if you're reading this, head on over to the barlow. We got ya covered, mac and cheese is on us. Just bring your own hot chocolate, we got banned. Wish you were here. District Dames.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Dames and their man
The gang!

Classy ladies

we are so scary haha

Friends, Family, Enemies, Lovers, and Stalkers.  B here.  Craving for a piece of the DC gossip?  No worries, the District Dames are known to please.  Looks like a weekend with bleak beginnings (aka korea/palestinian presentations) ended with a bang...or rather a glide.  On Friday, even after downing nearly three packages of licorice (don't judge till you try), the dames managed to gain attention from two tables of spicey looking city men.  Dale's on the loose, lets hope he hangs around Marshalls soon.  Saturday brought a day of out-of-control sleeping in, yearning for a pet elephant/dolphin/monkey, and less than desirable squash soup.  But lets not forget the reputation these dames made for themselves when soberly dirty dancing to britney spears while bowling a 35, at what we will call a very conservative party.  Whats wrong with being the wild girls?  The district dames are proud.  Regardless of their reps, the annual iceskating champs party held by the dames was a hit.  Tickets were sold out and lines were out the door.  Prizes worth 1 mill made for a diva scene.  Rumor has it Vin Diesel, Parker Pennington, and Mel Gibson were denied entry.  Apparently wild is working out.  Wish you were here.  District Dames.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

B here.  It is the morning after.  As the alarms blared this am, our bodies were forced to arise from the deep celebrations of the Inauguration and awake to the reality that we are working women.  Depression.  But DC couldn't survive without our necessary interning skills.  Work on Ladies.  The events of the last few days proved to be unique to each intern.  While A was escorted to her spot at the inauguration by policemen and hackled by standing men and furious cutting-the-line women, S was stacked in a herd for nearly two hours before being revealed that her ticketed seats had been given up.  However thanks to fate and fatigue S barely managed to make it to her area minutes before the address. L's story is left to be told.  All that is known is it forced her to retrieve to her bed immediately following the event where she remained the rest of the night and on into the morning.  She may still be there for all we know.  M and B proved laziness pays off.  After sleeping in and leisurely walking to the inauguration, they left the event with unique photo opts, free pretzels, and a once in a lifetime interview, though it was "too cold to cry" according to  Regardless of the experience-no matter how numb our fingers and toes were, how fatigued our bodies felt, or how claustrophobic we felt amongst a crowd of 2 million-the interns were a part of history.  And we wouldn't of missed it for the world.  (well unless we didn't live in DC).  Wish you were here.  District Dames.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Waiting, Waiting, Waiting.. but so worth it.
Thank you boys for the hot (cold) chocolate.. they are the best
We had no idea what we were in for..dancing shag hair man, frozen toes, legs under blankets, bonding, "we want sound", Usher/Beyonce/John Legend/Sheryl Crow/Shakira/Mary J. Blige/WillI.AM/and Obama of course.
Theme of the concert.  
Obama van.  Can life get better?  Nope probably not.
I lied.  Obama Cupcakes and White House cake.. just beat the Obama van.
We get to live here:)
Lincoln or Obama? Freaky. 
She's a lucky lucky woman.
Obamanation. We are ready.

B Here.  Well life is good in the District of Columbia.  After nearly 10 hours of standing our ground in the cold DC weather, we left happy to have seen some of the greatest artists the United States has produced.  And by that I mean Garth Brooks, Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, Shakira, Usher, John Legend, U2 (although not from the US) and many many more.  Not to mention we heard inspirational words from Steve Correll, Jack Black, Ashley Judd, Denzel Washington, Joe Biden, Samuel L. Jackson and the Pres-elect Obama.  Worth the 20 degree humid cold, several hours spent sitting and standing amongst hundreds of thousands of people, and dancing behind the born-in-the-70's-still-feeling-the-groove-man??  Must we even ask.. of course the District Dames are hardcore for the DC scene.  Inauguration...We own you.  Wish you were here.  District Dames.   

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

M's Birthday Weekend!

We love our group and not just because we don't have a choice.  

The Gorgeous Birthday Girl!  Thanks for the wish:)-It will come true
Night Walk-Next week we're climbing on his lap

We are obsessed with Lincoln you have no idea.  Well Lincoln and Monica.
District Dames on our way to church.  Notice the tennis shoes and dresses make for a great city combo.

B Here.  Looks like I am the only scribe at the moment.  District Dames, interns, time to step it up.  So its Tuesday.  And I think we have come to a consensus that we are happy to be girls and hoping to not have to work for the rest of our lives.  In fact, the past week and a half could probably be enough for us.  But what can you-do someone's gotta pay the bills, 'cept for M and B that is.  The good news is, the 23rd celebration of M's birth brought a little excitement to the usual "facebooking" "googling" "monica researching" "inaugural ball searching" boring work day.  Heading to CPK was definitely a highlight.. but what made the event even more humorous and thrilling were the wide array of personalities present.  Details?  A classy girl never tells the real juice over a blog.  Find a district dame, she'll fill you in.  As for the rest of the week, looks like we will be partying with Beyonce, Aretha, Jay Z, and Barak.  More to be posted.  Wish you were here  District Dames.   

Monday, January 12, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

                                                            Goal in life:  Have a head bust
                                                           Marshalls!  Our fav bar so far:)
                  Yes we braved it and ate at the place with chickens hanging from the window
                                          Most authentic Chinese you can get in the U.S.A
                                                                  No caption needed..
                                                                         Metro rides!!

B Here--Just signing in to talk about a few things going on in the District of Columbia!  One week down.. and since we all walked in the Barlow Center doors last week I think we have managed to accomplish quite a bit.  The beginning of the week brought dress pants and heels, rain, some rushed walks to the metro center, and the reality that we are the same age as Monica Lewinsky during the scandal.  Life as an intern is pretty intense.  The afternoons were filled with Georgetown icecream visits, Starbucks jealousy and yearning, young black boy hitting on Sam, more authentic than you wish to try chinese, barlow bonding, Trader Joes, Bars, searching for John Shackleton, emergency centers, professional men, not cooking, and Obamas big face everywhere-museums, tshirt, buildings, you name it-he's starting the "change" first in DC.  But most importantly we are all catching the "DC Bug".. it's a good thing.  More to come.. our adventure for the day is about to begin.  You know you love us:) 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Beginning of a Great Story

A few days ago the big city welcomed four girls.  Watch out DC you don't know what's just hit you.  S, M, A, B may fool you with their BYU background.  But what you don't know is that some Provo girls know how to live city style right.  Hello Georgetown, Hello George Washington University and goodbye WILK.  DC its time you experience the intern.  This is our story.. the grit the grind and the scandal. You know you love us:)